Whats up all?
Most of you know this method but a lot do not and this thread is for the people who are looking for ways of farming this game efficient. Its obvious that a decent geared character is needed and if you have one and need some advice, here it is!
Act-2 is one of the most efficient places to farm if you only do the Vault of the Assassin and Dahlgur Oasis in very quick multiple games. The V.o.t.A. has a lot of elites that is the reason its one of the most efficient places to farm. There is a lot of different places this method can be applied to but its the way you farm that is important.
Host the game at Act-2 Blacksoul stone quest! This will give you a check point at the Vault of the assassin when you enter it and instantly give you a start there every new game that you create.
What you want to do is avoid picking up items that do not have potential. Only pick up the most potential having items such as these. All rings and amulets and all level 63 armors, belts, bracers and shoulders. When it comes to 1 handed weapons, pick up all level 60-63. Of course pick up demonic essences and tomes of secrets. In the end the less you pick up the more time you will spend killing instead of selling and by going after the most potential having items makes you a lot more efficient in the number of games you can do in 1 session of your play time and give you the a lot more chances of finding legendaries and sets due to you doing multiple games.
The trick is to avoid killing every single monster you see and only go for elites and big groups of monsters and reducing the amount of time you spend killing every monster and the amount of times you go to town to sell. The quicker you get and more games you do the more efficient you will become in the "Rng" world. Only do the Monster Power level that gives you a reasonable amount of Extra item chance of dropping and Magic find, Gold find where you kill the monsters in an efficient amount of time.
People farm this game in their own unique ways but most people want to get most out of their playing time and this is one way you can acquire the most. Quick fast games where you spend more time killing and less time selling will make you very efficient and give you better chances in the "Rng world" of finding legendaries and sets!
I find a lot of legendaries and sets doing this method but even so it is very hard to finally hit that lottery and find that elusive elite status item! Either way this method gives you a good chance of finding it
Good luck guys and happy farming!